In 1995, bowling Coach Gary Morrill lost his child and wife in a tragic car accident. Now, in 2025, Morrill incorporates his experiences into life lessons for all bowlers. He tells his bowlers to “stop wishing time away,” Morrill said.
It’s Morrill’s 13th year of coaching bowling, starting as the JV coach, then moving up to varsity coach after hiring JV Coach Paul Godinho eight years ago, Morrill said. Unlike other sports, the two bowling teams practice together.
“You get to interact with every level and grade level,” JV Bowler Corinna Morrissey ‘25 said.
Varsity and JV practice Monday through Thursday after school at Rolling Lanes in Countryside from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Morrissey said. Friday, every bowler is in the Corral to review video, enjoy Godinho’s famous empanadas, and bond over games of ping-pong.
“[Freshman] aren’t scared of the older kids,” Morrill said. “They ask each other for help.”
One of the older bowlers is ‘25 varsity bowling captain Danny Haley. Haley has been bowling for the past four years and has improved tremendously.
“I joined freshman year, but didn’t take it too seriously,” Haley said.
Freshman year, Haley was averaging a modest 150 every bowling tournament. Sophomore year, Haley locked in and bowled 180. During junior year he was averaging a striking 220. Senior year, Haley averages 227, the highest average on the team. Despite his talent, it’s not bowling that is Haley’s favorite part of the team.
“[My favorite part] is spending time with my teammates during practices,” Haley said. “We’re all one big family.”
This sentiment was echoed by varsity bowler Anthony Bonilla ‘27.
“I like being at practice with my friends,” Bonilla said.
Although only a sophomore, Bonilla has been on varsity for the past two years. Bonilla’s varsity spot is accredited to the fact he’s been bowling for as long as he can remember.
“It’s in my blood,” said Bonilla. “My whole family bowls.”
His goal this year is to make it to State on Jan 31 to Feb 1.
“I prioritize bowling over everything,” Bonilla said. “Even my other sports.”
With sectionals on Jan. 31 just around the corner, varsity and JV have been hard at work. ‘25 varsity bowling James Praser can normally be found assessing his scores on the monitors and stepping through his approach.
“My goal is to do my best for the team,” Praser said.
Before every approach, Praser clears his head and reminds himself of technique: stay behind the ball, count your steps. Bonilla’s approach couldn’t be more different.
“I tell myself to focus and send a prayer to God,” Bonilla said.
Although the bowling team is home to a diverse group of LT students, they’re all brought together by the one thing that conquers all: family, Morrissey said.
“They’re my kids,” Morrill said. “They’ll always be my kids.”
On Jan. 31, Nolan Deines, ‘24 varsity bowler, placed 19th in round one and two. Lyons Township did not qualify for state.