The voice of Lyons Township students for more than 100 years

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The voice of Lyons Township students for more than 100 years

LION Newspaper

The voice of Lyons Township students for more than 100 years

LION Newspaper


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Findley twins Honorable Mention AOTY

Kristina and Madison Findley ’24 competing in the Regional cross country meet at SC on Oct. 21 (Garrity/LION).

Twins Kristina and Madison Findley ‘24 have had a decorated career with the girls cross country and track and field teams. The two have taken multiple trips to state championships in both seasons and are vital parts of both teams. 

Track and cross country have made a huge impact on me because it’s something that I didn’t expect I was going to do when I went into high school and now it takes up most of my time,” Madison said. “I have met so many great people through these sports and I am so happy that I decided to join them. My favorite memory is probably going to state and being able to go up against some really fast runners is really cool.”

Both twins committed to continue their running careers at the Division II Level at Lewis University in Illinois. Madison is currently undecided in her major but is excited to continue running at a school close to home. Kristina is majoring in Biology and is similarly eager to begin running at the college level. 

“Lewis has such an amazing program in academics and athletics,” Kristina said. “I just loved meeting the team for the first time: they made me feel I could become a better runner.” 

Being twins means they have a unique experience in sports compared to many of their other teammates. 

[Madison] has made it fun and to be able to compete at the same level where we are so close in our times so it makes it even more fun,” Kristina said. “It changes my experience because I will always have someone who will know how I am feeling after a race and will always cheer me up after any race I have.”

Both of the Findleys have grown into role models for the underclassmen, having competed on Varsity for the majority of their running careers.

Running can be really fun,” Kristina said. “You don’t have to worry about what time you get as long as you are having fun with your friends. You should always try your best, and give it your all.”
Both Findleys will begin competition in the fall of 2024 with the Lewis University Flyers.

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Katie Garrity
Katie Garrity, Sports Editor

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