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The voice of Lyons Township students for more than 100 years

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The voice of Lyons Township students for more than 100 years

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Boys tennis set for success

Team welcomes new coach, works towards state matches
Luke Howell ‘24 awaits serve (Moran/LION). 

Led by new head coach Clint Buetikofer and strong senior leadership, the boys varsity tennis team looks to uphold a strong performance to close out its season, standing 9-1 in dual meets and placing first, second and fifth at the first three season invitationals. 

The boys walked away with an impressive first-place victory at the Libertyville Invite on April 6, a competitive matchup. With many players having state tournament experience, the team is hoping to make a run at a state title this year, Buetikofer said.

“Our players work hard in practice and strive to improve every day,” Buetikofer said. “They also stay calm in tight matches.”

The team is made up of 16 total players this year, most being upperclassmen. Senior player Mason Mazzone ‘24 has played for the varsity squad since his freshman year, and has competed at the state meet every year since. Mazzone had an impressive performance in the 2023 state tournament, placing in the top eight in doubles matches. He and his doubles partner, Jack McLane ‘24, have had a 7-0 run so far this season, and look to continue their streak. 

Including Mazzone and McLane, the team has had many players go to state in past years, so there’s a great deal of experience when it comes to the level of competition, Mazzone said. Luke Howell ‘24 and Shay Sweigard ‘26 are another doubles pair hoping to make it this season.

“We have multiple guys with past experience, so there’s a real winning culture on the team [this year],” Mazzone said.

The duo and their other 14 teammates have been strong in many aspects of the game, propelling them further towards success. Peter Koppany ‘24 has been a member of the team since his junior year and looks back fondly on fun team experiences, he said. Being an upperclassmen-heavy team, the senior leadership is strong. 

“Being a role model for the underclassmen is huge,” Koppany said. “I’m able to be to them what past members of the team were to me.” 

Players have been putting forth the right effort at each practice, Buetikofer said. Motivation, leadership, and creativity set this team apart. 

“I think we’ve just been really consistent not only in play, but mindset,” Koppany said. “We’re consistently willing to try new techniques, consistently willing to put in the work on days where we don’t want to, and consistently motivated to put in everything we’ve got.” 

LT is also set to host the IHSA sectional meet on May 17 at the SC tennis courts. The state finals are scheduled for May 24 and 25 at Palatine High School. 

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Ellie Moran
Ellie Moran, News Editor
Probably stealing Zoe’s Trader Joe's takis

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