Bowling team anticipates strong season

Trains during off season, looks to make state run with deep line of players

Jackson Hull ’24 bowl at tryouts at Rolling lanes on Oct. 24 (O’Brien/LION).

Elin O'Brien, Reporter

After a successful last season, co-captain Tommy Hennessy ‘23 and the bowling team are eager to start, with what hopes to be a state-bound season, Hennessy said. The team has a strong returning senior and incoming junior class both with depth. 

“Two of my returning varsity players were starters on last year’s squad, with another having varsity experience, but not as a starter,” varsity head coach Gary Morrill said.

The team also has a skilled group of underclassmen, Morrill said. Morrill wants to continue to get freshmen and turn them into eventual varsity bowlers before their senior year.

“It is always exciting to see who put in the work during the off season to get better to try and move up to varsity,” Morrill said.

Past that, they look at personal goals and achievements which leads to the team achieving their goal of going down state, Morrill said. 

The team as a whole has a goal to reach at least the first day of state and if needed, qualify individually, Hennessy said.

“We have a good team that can definitely get [to the second day of state],” Hennessy said. “It’s just about how hard people are willing to practice.”

Hennessy and the rest of the team would prefer going down state together to strengthen more team bonds while keeping each other humble and picking each other up, he said.

“I want the team to have a close team bonding experience,” Hennessy said. “Last year’s senior class was very close, and is something I’d like to model with this year’s team.” 

Morrill also wants his squad to feel that everyone is a part of the program, he said. 

“We have a lot of team bonding to help create that family atmosphere,” Morrill said. “Bowling is a lifelong sport as compared to the more mainstream sports.”

Tryouts were planned for Oct. 24 at Rolling Lanes and are scheduled to compete for the first time on Nov. 3 against Glenbard Co-Op.