Couples of LT

Olivia Janik, Co Editor In Chief

LION interviewed couples at LT to learn about their experiences with dating in high school and whether they believe in cuffing season or not.

Kate Paras ‘20 and Ben Smiley ‘20

Kate Paras ‘20 and Ben Smiley ‘20 first met in their freshman English class, but the couple did not start dating until last February. Smiley and Paras agreed that being in a relationship has helped them learn about themselves, they said. They are most like Peter Parker and MJ, Smiley said.

“You always have someone to talk to who understands what you’re going through,” Paras said.

Kate and Ben do not believe in cuffing season.

KK Mear ‘20 and Taylor Lebron ‘20

KK Mear ‘20 and Taylor Lebron ‘20 have been dating for 497 days  as of Dec. 6 (Mear has an app on her phone). The pair identifies as the gay couple (Mr. Ratburn and his husband) from the TV show “Arthur”.

“You care about other people more and it teaches you selflessness,” Lebron said about the benefits of being in a high school relationship.

KK and Taylor believe that cuffing season is “a straight people thing.” The couple is currently fostering a cat together, Mear said.

Kathleen Duffy ‘20 and Sam McGahay ‘20

Kathleen Duffy ‘20 and Sam McGahay ‘20 have been dating for a year and a half, they met in Biology their freshman year. The cheesiest thing that they have done as a couple was when Duffy asked McGahay to the King of Hearts dance in front of the school during last year’s All-school Assembly. They are most like the Clintons, the duo said.

“I’m obviously Hillary, and [Kathleen] is Bill,” McGahay said.

Sam and Kathleen believe in cuffing season.

Jocelyn Liddell ‘21 and Will Vedok ‘21

Jocelyn Liddell ‘21 and Will Vedok ‘21 just recently celebrated their two-year anniversary on Nov. 11. They met their freshman year at a mutual friend’s birthday party, Liddell said. They identify with Eric Forman and Donna Pinciotti from “That ‘70s show.” The couple agreed that being in a relationship has made going to school easier.

“This relationship has made me 10 times happier and a more positive person,” Vedok said.

While Jocelyn and Will did start dating in cuffing season, they do not believe in it.