LT student gets VIP access

Grace Palmer, Reporter

Meghan Magats ’16 has always known her love for music, but what she didn’t know was that this would lead her to be sitting at a dinner table with the band, “The Lovely Bad Things,” who she had recently admired in concert while they took Tabasco shots.

Magats is able to be a part of things like this because she is the music librarian for WLTL. Magats archives music by putting it in an Excel spreadsheet and then stores the CDs into binders. Magats also deals with music representatives and music selection, which allows her to see at least two concerts every week and interview a new band every month.

“Interviewing and seeing shows is a ton of fun,” Magats said. “It’s one of my favorite parts and [I] ask questions [I] actually want to know. It’s really cool to see a side of the band that most people don’t really see.”

Once Magats comes back from a concert or interview, she takes her notes back to WLTL. She will often to do a blog post, a podcast or sometimes just use it for general knowledge so that when the staff is looking at new music, she will know more about the band than just its sound.

“[Magats] is very much into the artists and into not just listening to them but also finding out what their history is,” the general manager of WLTL, Chris Thomas said. “Having this excitement and natural inquisitiveness about music just makes it that much easier for [Magats].”

This is Magats’ first year in the music department after being a part of assistant promotions the previous year, promotions director of WLTL Talya Nelson ’16 said.

“[Magats’] love for music definitely inspires her work as music librarian,” Nelson said. “She is both passionate and knowledgeable about variety rock bands, which is the format of WLTL.”

Besides all the interviewing and concert-going, Magats is also creating connections in the music business through all of the bands and music companies she contacts.

“Connections are key in this industry,” Thomas said. “If this is something she wants to go into in the future, making these connections now can lead to internships and jobs down the road.”

Although Magats is unsure about what her future holds, she is certain that it will involve music in one way or another, she said.

“I love music, and doing radio here is such a good experience,” Magats said. “I am truly lucky to have such a great radio station with great opportunities.”