Turn it off
Our Position: LT students need to limit their technology usage in the classroom.
May 17, 2022
Since LT returned to in-person learning, both students and staff have been much more reliant on technology. However, for students, the inability to part ways with their technology is affecting their learning.
Rules regarding phones have been extremely loose and it is now becoming the norm for students to have their phones out during class. In fact, many students use their phones instead of using class time to get work done, listen to lectures or do anything school related. With the presence of COVID-19, students’ reliance on technology has increased exponentially, and now with chromebooks, even more work is done online. But it is time for students to put the phone down.
It is much easier to be on Instagram or TikTok instead of learning about velocity or “Hamlet,” but students are missing out on learning skills they could need in the future. Sure, it is pretty unlikely you are going to have to solve for x to find out the price of something, but learning social skills and strengthening attention spans are just a few examples of what the overuse of phones can disrupt.
On the other hand, teachers taking students phones away during class is not the answer. Students need to have more responsibility when it comes to their technology. Involuntary rules are not going to help in the long run; instead, students need to work on surviving without their phones. Teachers could have more material that is away from Chromebooks and phones, making it harder for students to sneak in a message or two.
Compared to last year, learning has had a drastic improvement, but that is not to say that there are not things that need to be fixed. Students are missing valuable information when they are distracted; they need to learn how to put the phone down and be fully present in their environment, especially in the classroom. Limiting the amount of technology in the classroom through consistent enforcement would encourage students to put the phone down.
After two years of education being solely dependent on technology, it is extremely hard to break those habits, especially on teenagers who have grown up with phones and tablets. The earlier these problems are recognized the better. LT needs to start limiting the use of technology in the classroom for the future of their students.
Staff Vote: 15-9