Having six classes a day can start to get dreadful. With homework from every class to complete each night to the teachers rushing to finish the lesson plan of the day, a creative solution to these problems would be a block schedule.
A block schedule is when students have fewer but longer classes in each school day. When the concept of block schedules is first thought of, it may seem strange or even bad. But when you really think about the benefits, it’s a concept worth considering at LT.
Block schedules allow for more time each day for every class. Think about that. This means that teachers can really take their time explaining complex concepts and not rush through any material. Teachers can relax knowing that they will have plenty of time to take deep dives on their lesson plans and thoroughly explain their expectations for assignments as well as what students need to focus on when preparing for quizzes and exams.
Teachers could also allocate class time for students to work on assignments and projects, which would give the teachers their own time to grade their students’ work and even prepare for the next day. Teachers likely do these types of work activities from home at night, but the block schedule would free up this home time.
Longer class times would also allow for more questions from students needing clarification or further assistance. Many students feel like they cannot ask for help during class or ask a teacher to go over a concept again if they did not originally grasp it. While sometimes it is because of embarrassment, oftentimes it is also because there is not enough class time for these types of things. If classes were longer, students would feel more comfortable speaking up.
Fewer classes overall each day also means less downtime in hallways during passing periods and more time spent learning—which is why we all come to school each day. Some student would probably miss seeing their friends in those coveted hallway minutes, but hopefully having more dedicated time in their classes would lead to at least a little less homework and late nights in front of their Chromebooks.
Though block scheduling has many benefits, one downside is that it might be difficult for students who struggle with staying focused for longer periods of time.However, teachers could incorporate different teaching strategies, such as group activities or movement breaks, to keep students engaged.
Ultimately, block schedules have the potential to create a more balanced school day, where students and teachers are both able to engage more deeply with the material, feel less rushed, and experience less stress overall. If executed well, it could help create an educational environment that’s more conducive to learning, creativity, and well-being. Block schedules would benefit students and teachers, and the concept should be strongly considered by administrators.