For all that “students get to pick their own classes” is stressed as a highlight of high school to incoming freshmen, the amount of subjects students are required to take for a number of years as per LT graduation requirements (and additionally the requirements of most colleges and universities) means that students have very limited opportunities to choose the classes most would consider, to be blunt, “actually fun.”
Where there are elective slots in one’s schedule, many students will take a study hall period instead as their workload is too heavy or their motivation too low to add another class to their schedule. Required classes like Driver’s Ed can take up an elective slot as well if not taken outside of school, as can music programs like choir, band, and orchestra. Balancing the classes you want to take with the classes you have to take makes creating your schedule all the more stressful.
A time when students’ schedules are rather empty, however, is the summer season. Because of this, many LT students decide to take certain courses in the summer rather than during the school year. Some of the most popular courses are mathematics ones such as Chemistry and Physics, which students take to get ahead.
However, each of these classes are only offered for one level, that being Prep for Algebra II and Physics, and Accel for all the others. The only English classes are Prep courses offered exclusively as make-ups for students who have already failed them. This make-up exclusive status applies to PE classes as well, with only Physical Education (PE) and Health being offered, and none of LT’s numerous PE electives. When it comes to Fine Arts electives, a measly three are offered, all at the first level. While LT does have summer camps, the ones that aren’t sports, like Cooking and Sewing, are targeted at elementary and middle schoolers.
It would greatly benefit students to expand the number of classes offered as summer courses. Taking a mathematics course during the summer may appeal to some students, but many would much rather take them for one period a day during the school year than take grueling four-hour math classes for six weeks straight during their time off. More traditionally “fun” classes, especially single-semester ones, would be well suited to this intensive format. For example, courses like Aviation, Robotics, Programming in Python, Fashion & Interior Design, Creative Writing, and Speech Arts have no summer options, nor is anything particularly similar to them available. Additionally, students who enjoyed Drawing & Painting Beginning, Ceramics Beginning, or Digital Photo Art would likely appreciate if the next level versions of these classes were also offered during the summer.
LT boasts a massive variety of electives, so it really is a shame that students only have the space to take a small handful. Electives can go beyond just being important where academics are concerned: culinary skills are crucial for high schoolers, many of whom will soon be on their own without parents to cook healthy meals for them, and LT offers a variety of these courses from International Foods to Adaptive Culinary Leaders. However, only Culinary Arts has a summer course, leaving students unable to expand their skills beyond that. Adult Living is also entirely missing.
An expanded repertoire of available summer courses would allow students to make the most of LT’s amazing options and to spend their summers productively while still enjoying themselves.
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