Peaceable Schools Initiative Club (PSI) has continued to make holiday baskets for nearly 15 years, advisor Michelle Harbin said. Once the baskets are assembled, they are given to the non-profit organization Off the Street Club.
“We put up flyers with information about collecting donations, small things to put in baskets like candy, toys, books, and games that kids would like to play with or use,” Harbin said. “Then we spend about a month collecting donations.”
After all the donations are collected, PSI meets to assemble the baskets. This year they plan to meet on April 10 after school in the SC cafeteria.
“It’s a really good activity to bring the community together,” Autumn Schmidt ‘25 said. “Gary [Morrill], the freshman boys baseball coach, brings the team in to help, and other clubs come in to help us. It’s a great community involvement activity. It’s just really fun, and also Easter is coming up, so it just gets you into the holiday mood.”
Donations are collected for nearly a month in bins at the entrances of both NC and SC, Schmidt, who is also a LION newspaper reporter, said.
“PSI’s mission is to create a welcoming environment and to let all people know that they’re welcomed at LT,” Harbin said. “We try to promote that message and to do positive things that show that we believe in people and that everybody is worth it just because they are. This is one way where students get to give a little bit back to pay it forward.”
Off the Street Club has had their holiday celebration for many several as it is one of their biggest events, Harbin said. Several years ago, someone suggested PSI participate in making baskets, and it’s grown since then, and they have carried the tradition on.
“[Off the Street Club] is based out of Chicago, and they have after-school programs and weekend programs for kids to go to hang out, learn, and they have different activities that they do,” Harbin said. “It’s like a club for kids to hang out in, and they’re all different ages. They do homework, sing, dance, write, they do art, they play games, they play sports, and it’s a safe place for kids in that area to go.”
Once the baskets are made, Off the Street Club sponsors bring students to pick up the baskets from LT.
“I know not everybody can donate [things],” Harbin said. “It’s a lot to ask, but hopefully, even if you’re cleaning out your attic or you’re preparing for your own holiday, and you realize you have four extra baskets, bring them our way.”