LT offers a variety of languages from Spanish to Latin to American Sign Language (ASL). One of the school’s ASL teachers, Krystle Conrad, is deaf and unable to hear the PA announcements or be alerted to certain emergencies when sirens go off. Recently, a scrolling video message board was installed in her classrooms to help communicate PA announcements with text.
“As a Deaf teacher working with students, I found myself constantly worrying and feeling unsafe for myself and my students,” Conrad said. “I could not keep my students safe if an emergency happened. I hated that feeling. I cannot hear the bell or the announcements if there is a lockdown. All emergency situations are announced through the PA system. I have no way of knowing what is being said.”
Unfortunately, emails offering the details of an emergency are not an option as they often do not come for several hours or have a delay, Conrad said.
“[The video message board] was something that was really important to us,” Fine Arts Division Chair Gerry James said. “Ms. Conrad is a staff member, and we want to make sure that we are meeting all the needs of all of our staff members.”
The board was installed in her classrooms at both NC in room 315 and SC in room C207 at some point over winter break.
“When I first saw it after coming back, my jaw dropped, because I didn’t believe I was getting one after five years of asking for it,” Conrad said.
Unfortunately, the board displayed “offline” from the first day of second semester.
Conrad reached out to James, asking for solutions to the problem. Soon after, he checked on the problem. As of Jan. 23, the scrolling screens at both campuses are up and running, and no longer display “offline,” James said.
“However, the SC board was installed in a place that does not really work,” Conrad said. “I do wish I was consulted on the best location to install the board that will best fit my view. So, the placement isn’t great at all. At SC it was installed above the projector screen. The problem with that is I almost always stand in front of the projector screen facing my students. So, the scrolling board is behind my back. The only way I would know if something is scrolling is if the students point at it. It is not their job to do that. The whole purpose was for me to see it easily if something scrolls across.”
LT will work with Conrad about the placements of the boards, James said. There are a couple of things to consider during installation, like power outlet location and network connections being long enough to reach the board. They are looking at some solutions like moving the fan at NC or adjusting the classroom layout so that Conrad has a line of sight with the board at all times.
“[The board] makes me feel equal just as hearing staff,” Conrad said. “Often Deaf people are forgotten, and not a top priority. We are a minority group, unfortunately. However, my department chair is really good about reaching out to me and checking in on me during fire drills and lockdowns.”