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The voice of Lyons Township students for more than 100 years

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The voice of Lyons Township students for more than 100 years

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Annual Spring Art Show returns

Showcases diverse student artwork
Friends and family members gather to view student artwork (Kowalski/LION).

From April 12 to April 21, the Art Department hosted its annual Spring Art Show in the Vita Plena room at SC to showcase the diverse artwork created by LT students of all grades, art class levels, and abilities. 

The Spring Art show displayed student artwork from many different mediums that are created in the Art Department classes, ceramics teacher Lorena Lagis said. Every student in an art class was given the opportunity to submit a piece. Then, the art teachers arranged and displayed the work for everyone to see. 

“It’s nice to have the show at SC because the SC students can see what the upper level students are doing, since they don’t get to see that work because of the separate campuses,” Lagis said. “It shows [the beginning students] how they can progress to that upper level quality. [The show] is for the community and the school to enjoy and to see what’s happening in our art classes.” 

The Spring Art Show was open everyday after school from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. On weekends, it was open from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday. There was also a reception held on April 18, from 6:30-8:30 p.m., where students, parents, faculty, and the community were invited to view all the artwork. 

With the variety of creative arts classes offered at LT, students like Charlotte Schulz ‘24 and Maggie Kachmarik ‘24 were able to receive praise for the pieces they had spent the school year perfecting.  

“One piece that I submitted that I am most proud of is a poison ring I made,” Schulz said. “It has a compartment that opens up and inside it contains a diorama.”

Schulz is in the AP Metalsmithing class. This will be their third year entering work into the show. Kachmarik, however, is in the AP Studio Art class, a ceramics class where students have the opportunity to plan out and pick the designs they want to create. This year, she submitted a set of five tumblers, a serving dish, and a salad bowl. 

“I think showcasing the LT creative arts is a very good thing about the show,” Kachmarik said. “LT does a really good job of promoting the clubs, sports, and activities but getting to promote the student’s creative side is such a great thing. We put so much effort into our work and even though the creative art classes are considered easier classes, you’re still putting a lot of time and effort into it. Especially people who like to put their projects in the show, it just shows their dedication.”

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Rachel Kowalski
Rachel Kowalski, Reporter
certified gum supplier

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