SC Art Show displays student projects, pieces
Students of all levels showcase artwork
May 16, 2022
Every year, the art department hosts an art show. It represents students of all levels in art classes and is in the Vita Plena room at SC. This year, the showcase was scheduled to be held from May 7-15. Art teachers Patrick Page and Mary Rohlicek–as well as the other art teachers–selected pieces from each of their classes.
“I think seeing that much artwork on display always [makes it] impressive how well the students do,” Rohlicek said. “There’s a big variety [of artwork] because there’s so many of us.”
Typically, there is also an art show that takes place in Elmhurst towards the middle of the school year, but it was unable to happen due to COVID-19. So this art show was the only opportunity for students to present their work from the year.
“We try to represent every level and as many people as we can,” Page said. “We also feature the seniors who have been involved all the way to AP. Many have their own panels.”
The art teachers host the show to let other students be inspired by their peers’ work, Page said. It’s an opportunity to see all levels of art–from intermediate to AP–with pieces from every class. The event is used as a chance for the younger students to view the older students’ work and become inspired, Rohlicek said.
“It’s a going away party for seniors,” Page said, “and a great opportunity for the younger kids to see what they can do. It’s a chance for them to be inspired or amazed and to see how they might up their own game.”
Marina Neskovic ‘22 has taken every level of Jewelry and Metalsmithing and is in the AP level this year, she said. Her art is being featured in this year’s art show and was featured in the art show her sophomore year, in 2020.
“[I looked forward to] seeing the creative side of other students at our high school,” Neskovic said.