LT launches new Passport App

New app encourages student participation in events

QR code to scan to download Passport app.

Lily Hanafin, Opinions Editor

The ExperienceLT Passport is a new online app that encourages students and parents to participate in events at LT, Principal Jennifer Tyrell said. This app works by scanning a QR code and downloading the LT Passport App. This app helps students get connected by sharing upcoming events happening at LT. Students are encouraged to check in at passport functions and share photos tagging LTHS on social media.

Tyrell played a key role in helping to create this app and is excited about its potential impact on the school. 

“The passport is about generating excitement about events within our school community, and we believe that events give students the opportunity for connection,” Tyrell said. “We have the potential to recognize the great work we’ve done and celebrate each other’s accomplishments.”

If a student attends an ExperienceLT event, they can earn points for attending on the app, Tyrell said. The administration is looking into incorporating giveaways and prizes to give to students that show LT pride and spirit. Some Passport events include volleyball games, tennis matches, and the homecoming parade.

Over the past few years, LT has become more present on social media, and this change is welcomed by many students like Caroline Engel ‘22.

“I think social media’s important because it helps show students that will be attending LT in the future what our school is like and what the environment is like for the students,” Engel said. 

The Passport App only helps to further LT’s presence on social media and spread the news about special events and accomplishments taking place at LT.

“Social media is such an awesome tool,” Tyrell said. “I feel like it helps us tell our story. We have so much great work going on inside the classroom and outside the classroom. Getting this good news out on social media helps us share that outstanding story.”