LT students participate in ‘trunk-or-treat’

Interact club smiles for a photo at the “trunk-or-treat” event (photo courtesy of Maya Albores).

Kaitlyn Joyner, Reporter

Interact club members volunteered at the Boone Animal Hospital’s Fall Festival on Oct. 12 to participate in Halloween celebrations and give back to the surrounding community, sponsor Mary Decker said.   

Last year due to bad weather, the festival was moved inside. However, students still helped out by painting faces, running games, assisting with the raffle, and giving out candy and snacks, vice-president Maya Albores said. 

The hospital, located at 4720 Commonwealth Ave.,Western Springs, reached out to Interact Club again in hopes of bringing six LT volunteers back to the fall fest this year, Decker said. 

“[The animal hospital visit] was really nice because it was like a community,” Albores said, “Everyone knew each other and [they] were so kind and thankful for our help.”  

This year, the volunteers contributed to the animal hospital’s annual “trunk or treat” event, hospital practice manager Callie Neybert said. Interact club members decorated their cars and parked them in the animal hospital’s lot to hand out treats for both attendees and pets. Volunteers also helped with face painting and decorating pumpkins, Neybert said. A costume contest, pumpkin painting, different games, and a parade were also part of the festivities.  

“We [brought] a couple cars and decorate[d] them for LT and then let the little dogs, and owners get snacks out of our trunks,” Decker said before the event occurred.  

Interact Club plans to continue their fundraising with an upcoming shoe drive as well as connecting with middle schools that feed into LT, through the similar clubs at each school, president Tati Vidakovich ‘20 said. 

“We’re going to try to combine [Interact club and junior high clubs] and do an activity to try and get to know the younger kids better,” Vidakovich said. 

Interact club meets after school every other Tuesday of the month alternating between North and South Campuses.