WLTL succeeds in NYC
Radio station sweeps NYC, brings home numerous awards
April 7, 2016
As one of the best high school radio stations in the nation, LT’s WLTL did not disappoint at the 2016 Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS) Awards on March 5, 2016 in New York City. The station had 26 nominations in 22 out of the 36 possible categories, and took home nine wins, more than any other school.
The nine awards received were in the categories of of Best Public Affairs Program, Best News Feature, Best Celebrity/Artist Interview, Best Sports Update, Best Specialty Music Show, Most Creative Program, Best Public Service Promotion, Best Website and Best Station Blogs.
WLTL supervisor Christopher Thomas, as well as the president of IBS—a not-for-profit volunteer organization that lobbies for high school and college radio—orchestrated the entire event from booking speakers to negotiating contracts.
“This is the best we’ve ever done at this conference,” Thomas said. “I don’t get to go to a lot of the sessions, so for me at the end of the night I like asking all the students who went what was the most memorable or favorite thing that they did. Hearing them come back and be excited about radio and excited about the things they want to try is my most enjoyable part.”
Talya Nelson ‘16, Sarah Brunet ‘16, Matt Danbury ‘16, Tim Mikulski ‘17, Hunter Pendleton ‘17 and Connor Ciecko ‘17 were the six students selected to attend the conference. Because LT has a very well funded radio program compared to other schools, the students taught as much as they learned.
“There was a huge array of sessions,” Nelson said. “We were lucky to have Mr. T who organized the conference and told us which ones to go to. One of my favorite sessions was from somebody who wrote an entire anthology on rock and punk music. I also realized that we are super lucky here to have so much money, so sometimes it was about taking a step back and appreciating that we have so many opportunities.”
Aside from the sessions and inside look of media outlets in NYC, the students also managed to have fun when they were not learning more about radio.
“My favorite moment would definitely have to be getting street food with everyone on the first night,” Pendleton said. “We were all tired, hungry and wanted some food, but the only thing we could find that wasn’t $1000 was this food cart. So we got some street food, and it ended up being one of the best meals we had on that trip.”