LT club helps raise money for breast cancer awareness

Future Healthcare Professionals organizes pink week

Heidi Hauch, Business Manager

Pink replaced gold and blue as students and staff bonded together to raise awareness for breast cancer at LT though out the week of Oct. 14 to Oct. 16. Students were greeted with breast cancer ribbon stickers and pink lollipops in the morning, ate in a cafeteria with pink streamers and window paint, and donned pink attire at the pink out themed football game. These decorations and festivities can be attributed to the school’s Pink Week, a spirit week organized by the Future Healthcare Professionals of America to raise awareness for breast cancer and fundraise for breast cancer research.

Future Healthcare Professionals or FHP, a newer LT club, worked with Lions Den and Relay For Life in this effort to raise money and awareness, club sponsor Sylvia Tanious said.

“The goal of Pink Week is to help raise awareness that this is a condition that affects a lot of people,” Tanious said. “Simply just showing support, like wearing pink, goes a long way for people. I think a lot of people are affected personally by this illness and its good to know that there are other people out there who have to deal with it too.”

Throughout the week, FHP fundraised by selling $10 “beat breast cancer” T-shirts during lunch periods, and Krispy Kreme donuts at the football game, club student president Audrey O’Donnell ’16 said.

Additionally, Lions Den, the school’s student section, worked with Hinsdale central to raise money for breast cancer research. For the fundraiser, Lions Den leaders and Hinsdale Central students collected money for breast cancer research. The school that raised the most money got to pie the principal of the other school during half time of the Hinsdale Central versus LT football game on Oct. 9. Although both principals ended up being pied, LT was successful in raising the most money, $2,478.08 to breast cancer . Together with the amount FHP raised in selling T-shirts and donuts, the school is donating $3,673.50 to the American Cancer Society Strides Against Breast Cancer.

Although this year is the first year that FHP has done Pink Week, Tanious hopes that Pink Week will become an annual effort.

“Hopefully every year we will be able to do [Pink Week] and get the support from everyone,” Tanious said.