Student Council falls into debt

Declining dance attendance causes debt, Student Council contemplates action

Credit: Simon Cunningham (Flickr Creative Commons)

Gillian Dunlop, Editor-in-Chief

Due mostly to the declining dance attendance, Student Council began the year with a debt of $4,000, and has now a debt of $2,000. However, how they plan to break even remains unknown.

“I don’t want to be in debt ever,” Student Activities Director Peter Geddeis said. “In the grand scheme of what Student Council takes in and shells out, it’s a relatively small [amount] but still a significant number.”

The main problem with Student Council’s situation is that they do not do any fundraising for themselves throughout the year except for the Homecoming and KOH ticket sales. That means they rely heavily on dance attendance to sustain the budget. For example, each dance costs about $20,000 to put on, and, according to Geddeis, in the last few years KOH has either broke even or lost money.

Despite rumors amongst the student body, Student Council has no plans as of now whether to discontinue KOH or not, but they are currently looking into alternative fundraisers, although none have been decided upon as of late.

“I have encouraged Student Council to not be hasty in their decision and to take their time,” Geddeis said.

In the meantime, Student Council has managed to lower the debt by $2,000 by cutting the budget across the board at this year’s KOH as well as bring in no outside guest at this year’s All-School Assembly.

Additionally, Geddeis said that Student Council will begin to look into how to change the dances, so more students are enticed to attend.

As of now, no concrete plans have been set in stone as to how Student Council intends on recovering from their debt, but they will use time to make a reasoned, intelligent decision, Geddeis said.